Rose Colored Cynicism

Sheena Rice is a student/activist living in glamourous Bozeman, MT. This blog is meant to deal with her cynicism and jadeness as well as possible. The views expressed here are hers and do not reflect any group that she belongs to. E-Mail Sheena at

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

So Exciting

After about 4 months, I will once again have internet service at home! This means my now infrequent posts will be much better and more um...frequent.
I would also like to point out that Monday night I was not crazy, I really was shaking!

Monday, July 18, 2005

Why to vote Republican

This quote was sent to me in an e-mail today, and I found it very fitting especially after the incredible speech by Gov. Dean Saturday night.

"Other than telling us how to live, think, marry, pray, vote, invest, educate our children and, now, die, I think the Republicans have done a fine job of getting government out of our personal lives."
-Editorial Page, Sunday, June 19 Portland Oregonian

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

GOP defends Rove

From the Washington Post-
Republicans mounted an aggressive and coordinated defense of Karl Rove yesterday, contending that the White House's top political adviser did nothing improper or illegal when he discussed a covert CIA official with a reporter.

Now just imagine if you can, if Rove was a Clinton adviser. He would be burning at the stake right now. It is pretty obvious to me that if reporters can go to jail for this, that discussing a CIA official with a REPORTER qualifies as leaking.

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Note to all Dems- Don't pull a hamstring!

This just in from the good ol Montana GOP E-Brief:

Did you hear about Gov. Schweitzer’s 4th of July trip?
It seems the Gov. pulled a hamstring in a parade, and then had to ride the rest of the parade route in a car and cancel appearances in a few other parades over the holiday weekend. The official report out of the Governor’s Office said he injured himself tossing a football with onlookers. But credible sources have it that Schweitzer actually injured himself when he tripped over his dog and constant companion, Jag.How ironic. During the campaign, Schweitzer boasted that he would fire the governor’s bodyguards and use Jag as his sole means of security. Note to Jag: bodyguards are supposed to prevent injuries. Regardless, Schweitzer discarded the no-bodyguard pledge shortly after the election was over and, in fact, he now has the largest security force in state history.

SERIOUSLY- Do the Repugs have nothing left but to criticize Schweitzer for pulling his hamstring. They did the same thing when Kerry crashed his bike. Come on people, sometimes accidents happen, give it a rest. Oh and by the way, I was at the Livingston parade, he did not trip on his dog, but he was runing to catch his football. I'm accident prone myself so I can totally sympathize.
The latest edition of the E-Brief also criticizes our own Matt again, as well as Dean. No actual news just nit picky pesky things. I read them because they are well very very funny. Last year the E-Brief was used to criticize Tracy for hiring an out of state campaign manager, Ryan Seher. Ryan was born and raised in Bozeman though. Not so good at fact checking.

Hope your leg feels better Gov!

Friday, July 08, 2005


When 9/11 happened I was thousands of miles from New York, and even so I felt an odd sense of shock and bewilderment. Yesterday marked events that were even farther away, and yet I still feel the same shock.

We are all British.
This was the title of several blogs yesterday and it is still true today. London became a town in celebration and now it is covered in tragedy. My thoughts go out to all who have been affected by this madness.

When is it going to end?
Will the world ever unite?
Is Tragedy and Violence permanent fixtures in our future?

My love and prayers go out to all people today.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

What are they thinking??

So the Lee Newspapers have reported that Sen. Max Baucus and Gov. Brian Schwietzer are publicly supporting Dennis MacDonald for party chair.

This is the guy who is not even a loyal democrat. He has publicly admitted to giving both parties money, and he is never ever present at party functions. He lives in Sweetgrass county and the Dem chair there has never even met him.

The Senator and Governor support stems from the fact that he will be able to bring "new blood" to the party, which may be true. But if he is elected it will alienate those who are loyal to the party, who have bled for the party and have earned their stripes. The party chair should not be some guy with no experience and no history at all with the party. It's ridiculous that he has any support let alone the support of Baucus and Schweitzer. RIDICULOUS!!

Another side note on the race for chair. Tracy Velazquez was asked by one of her male opponents to drop out of the race, because he feared that the vote would be split. He also said that he could represent women views just as well as she could. That's funny, I thought that women could represent women views better than men. And why does it always seem that in Montana the woman has to be vice-chair, why can't it be the other way around????

Friday, July 01, 2005

Uh Oh

Sandra Day O'Conner has resigned. This is a big problem, because while she is a conservative -she was also a swing vote.

I'm scared, about what is going to happen. It will be a very interesting week while this mess is sorted out. I will keep updating on this.