Rose Colored Cynicism

Sheena Rice is a student/activist living in glamourous Bozeman, MT. This blog is meant to deal with her cynicism and jadeness as well as possible. The views expressed here are hers and do not reflect any group that she belongs to. E-Mail Sheena at

Friday, July 08, 2005


When 9/11 happened I was thousands of miles from New York, and even so I felt an odd sense of shock and bewilderment. Yesterday marked events that were even farther away, and yet I still feel the same shock.

We are all British.
This was the title of several blogs yesterday and it is still true today. London became a town in celebration and now it is covered in tragedy. My thoughts go out to all who have been affected by this madness.

When is it going to end?
Will the world ever unite?
Is Tragedy and Violence permanent fixtures in our future?

My love and prayers go out to all people today.


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