Rose Colored Cynicism

Sheena Rice is a student/activist living in glamourous Bozeman, MT. This blog is meant to deal with her cynicism and jadeness as well as possible. The views expressed here are hers and do not reflect any group that she belongs to. E-Mail Sheena at

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Note to all Dems- Don't pull a hamstring!

This just in from the good ol Montana GOP E-Brief:

Did you hear about Gov. Schweitzer’s 4th of July trip?
It seems the Gov. pulled a hamstring in a parade, and then had to ride the rest of the parade route in a car and cancel appearances in a few other parades over the holiday weekend. The official report out of the Governor’s Office said he injured himself tossing a football with onlookers. But credible sources have it that Schweitzer actually injured himself when he tripped over his dog and constant companion, Jag.How ironic. During the campaign, Schweitzer boasted that he would fire the governor’s bodyguards and use Jag as his sole means of security. Note to Jag: bodyguards are supposed to prevent injuries. Regardless, Schweitzer discarded the no-bodyguard pledge shortly after the election was over and, in fact, he now has the largest security force in state history.

SERIOUSLY- Do the Repugs have nothing left but to criticize Schweitzer for pulling his hamstring. They did the same thing when Kerry crashed his bike. Come on people, sometimes accidents happen, give it a rest. Oh and by the way, I was at the Livingston parade, he did not trip on his dog, but he was runing to catch his football. I'm accident prone myself so I can totally sympathize.
The latest edition of the E-Brief also criticizes our own Matt again, as well as Dean. No actual news just nit picky pesky things. I read them because they are well very very funny. Last year the E-Brief was used to criticize Tracy for hiring an out of state campaign manager, Ryan Seher. Ryan was born and raised in Bozeman though. Not so good at fact checking.

Hope your leg feels better Gov!


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