Rose Colored Cynicism

Sheena Rice is a student/activist living in glamourous Bozeman, MT. This blog is meant to deal with her cynicism and jadeness as well as possible. The views expressed here are hers and do not reflect any group that she belongs to. E-Mail Sheena at

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

MSU College Dems are up and Running!!!!

That's right after a few years barely on life support, we are up and running. The interim executive board has formed and we are kicking!

President- Stacy Parenteau
Vice-President- Ryan Seher
Secretary- Gretchen Kruesi
Treasurer- Sheena Rice

We are currently organizing events for Homecoming, Cat/Griz, the City Commission Race, the Senate, House, and Legislative Races, and much more. If you are interested in the organization please e-mail us at

We are committed to encouraging young people to get involved in the political process and be informed on all issues. We have a lot of plans right now, but need money desperately. So even if you can only spare a few bucks it would be appreciated. Mail contribution checks to
M.S.U. College Democrats
c/o Sheena Rice
205 S. 8th Ave.
Bozeman, MT 59715

We are going to prove that Democrats exist on the M.S.U. Campus!!


  • At 2:56 PM, Blogger marie said…

    Yeah I agree. I really think we will be able to get something done.


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