Rose Colored Cynicism

Sheena Rice is a student/activist living in glamourous Bozeman, MT. This blog is meant to deal with her cynicism and jadeness as well as possible. The views expressed here are hers and do not reflect any group that she belongs to. E-Mail Sheena at

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

The best is yet to come undone

2006 is going to be the year that we can get rid of Conrad Burns, I can feel it. However I am troubled about the possibility of a very bad primary. The Dems have two strong candidates vying for the seat in State Auditor John Morrison and Senate President Jon Tester, (as well as some Clint guy from Bozeman- I don't know who he is). The two Jo(h)ns are both intelligient, articulate, and experienced, and both are much much much better than that current guy. I can foresee this as a problem because it is going to be such a tough primary, that funds, time, energy, and resources will all be exhausted for the winner creating an advantage for Burns- and the Repugs know it! (They should because the same exact thing happened to them in 04 with the Gov race). Other Liberal blogs are already taking sides, and dissing the other candidate, which I refuse to do.

Something has to happen to ensure that this Senate race does not further divide the party. Yeah we are getting stronger, but I don't think we are strong enough to survive a nasty primary.

Am I right or just paranoid?


Friday, June 24, 2005

National Weekend of Prayer and Reflection for DarfurJuly 15th, 16th, 17th
Bills have been proposed in the Senate (S. Res. 172) and the House (H. Res. 333) calling for the designation of July 15, 16, and 17 as a National Weekend of Prayer and Reflection for Darfur. Please contact your Senators and Representatives today to urge their support for the National Weekend of Prayer and Reflection by co-sponsoring S. Res. 172 or H. Res. 333.
now i am not really all in favor of sponsored prayers, but this is an issue that needs to be recognized.

Further Introduction

OK, since this is still new, please pardon the seemingly lack of information. Hopefully soon it will contain all sorts of news and commentaries, but it isn't quite there yet.

Anyway, my vision for this blog is to further the means of communication among the Gallatin County Dems, first and foremost. To have a real open dialogue without worries of speaking as an organization but instead simply as an individual.

Hey its worth a shot.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Just an idea

So I recently returned from the "Art of Political Campaigning" conference sponsored by campaigns and elections magazine, and was totally impressed by Joe Trippi (campaign manager for Howard Dean) and decided to give this whole blog thing a try, I mean hey why the hell not.

Politics anymore is so focused on money and polls, special interests and PACs that a lot of the magic is fading. The magic was why I got involved, the idea of changing the world through public policy and civic engagement. Now however mainstream media calls races before they are over, declares the winner of a nomination before any primaries have occured based on money. There is no magic in that. No progress, nothing. Just money.

However the internet has provide a way for the people to matter again. Dean was a frontrunner (if only for a short time) not because of money, and not because of a big professional staff or impressive poll numbers, but because of "the people" creating his campaign via the internet and blogs.
- Note, if you have never read Joe Trippi's book "The revolution will not be televised" please do so as fast as you can. I finished it in about 8 hours.

So here it is, my way to engage my community into the world of politics. I hope it is found useful and I hope that people will use it as a way to communicate.
